Because You Deserve Better Trucking Decals | The Leaders in USDOT Vinyl Truck Lettering

Not all vinyl lettering is created equal. Repeat, not all vinyl lettering is created equal.
At USDOT Number Stickers, we don’t take any short cuts or cut costs where it could potentially hurt our customer. We use the best materials for your custom decals because you deserve the best. Other competitors might use cheap made in China vinyl, but not us. All of our materials are made and produced in USA.
All of our custom truck decals are engineered to last 10 years and withstand all of the elements such as extreme temperature, rain.
When it comes to regulation numbers, you need to display the best. We’ve heard dozens of stories where DOT inspectors issue violations for not being properly displayed. All of our products are US DOT complaint and exceed FMCSA’s guidelines.
If you have any questions, we would be more than happy to assist.
- Andres Espinoza